Sunday, February 10, 2013

New pieces finished in the workshop

 Rusty tin pie safe, painted antique white and then stained waxed
 Old pine sideboard that was painted black and distressed
Cute iron door that I found and asked hubby to make me a cabinet around it.  I had to take the piece and have the color matched cuz I just love the turquoise color.  I bought 4 of these doors because I think they are going to be hot at the shows this year.
 We found these old frosted glass windows at Scott's Antique and he did another great job of building a cabinet to show off the windows.  Great for out of sight storage and for collectibles on top.
Another iron piece we found at Scott's Antiques, this had three different colors.  It was barn red, black and had white splashed on it.  I had to paint the cabinet black first, then wax it, then paint a coat of barn red, sand that off in different areas and then splash white on to match the color on the door.  It was a work of love!!

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