Monday, October 8, 2012

Cotton Pickin' Fair Sunday, Oct 7, 2012

On Sunday, we had to rearrange and freshen up our booth.  We sold so many snowmen that we had to move them to one table instead of two.  We moved some of the fall items to that table.

 What's left of our hanging display
 Pumpkins and signs
 The remaining snowmen and that was pretty much wiped out by the end of the day
 Island and black coffee table are still available
 We brought a couple more benches on Sunday morning.  Blue toy box bench is still available
 This was sold at 9:30
This was sold around 11 am.  What a great weekend, the weather was perfect on Sunday about 70 degrees and breezy.  The crowds were wonderful and everyone had a fantastic weekend.  Can't wait till May!!

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